Monday, September 30, 2013

Diaz's Style

In the beginning of The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz, the style of writing Diaz uses is very unique to the point that it brings the readers interest higher into wanting to read the novel. I loved the fact that he mixed in Spanish and Spanglish into the text. When something is read in a different language certain things can be interpreted differently such as where Diaz says “Tio Rodolfo had four kids with three different women so the nigger was without doubt the family’s resident meteselo expert (Diaz 24).” This line makes it even more interesting and funny to read the entire novel because I know Spanish well, I’m fluent in it. Therefore when I was reading this line it seriously had me laughing hysterically because I could just imagine someone from my family say this. It’s not a “Dominican trait,” I believe it’s just in a lot of different cultures. Though, it could really just depend on who is the person saying it or how it can be interpreted from a text. Reading this reminded me of Sunset Park, Brooklyn because out of the few times I go I have always seen a group of Dominican/Puerto Rican older people on a certain block and they speak a lot in the way Diaz writes his novel in. It makes me really glad to see that he gives a taste of his heritage in his writing and loosens up unlike other writers who are just too boring with their writing style and don’t twist it up a bit. Nowadays in this country, Spanish is one of the top languages and with Junot Diaz’s novel, it has an ability to probably get more people to learn another language and also there is this quote that goes, “If you know more than one language you view the world differently (Unknown).” The way Diaz writes is very unique in a positive perspective where believe more authors should do and it doesn’t have to be necessarily Spanish. 

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